Confirm Your Pregnancy
Free Ultrasounds in Pontiac, IL
Hope Center offers referrals for qualified clients to receive a free limited, non-diagnostic ultrasound. Ultrasounds are performed by trusted and licensed medical staff.

Common Ultrasound FAQs
Did You Know?
An ultrasound is the most reliable way to confirm a progressing pregnancy. Research shows that up to 25% of pregnancies do not advance, and miscarriages may go unnoticed until detected by an ultrasound. If a miscarriage is identified, medical follow-up is essential.
Due to the high need for free ultrasounds in Pontiac, IL, we require clients to validate their need with a positive pregnancy test from our center before we can provide a referral.
We offer free pregnancy tests and can have your ultrasound scheduled for as soon as possible.
Yes. Before scheduling an abortion, an ultrasound will determine:
Whether your pregnancy is progressing: This is important for deciding which abortion method you may be eligible for. The procedure and cost depend on your health history and how far along your pregnancy is.
Whether your pregnancy is viable: The only way to confirm a viable pregnancy (one that is progressing) is with an ultrasound. Studies show that up to one in four pregnancies do not progress. Some women may not realize they’ve had a miscarriage until it’s detected in an ultrasound. If you’ve miscarried, you will need follow-up care from a doctor.
Limited ultrasounds often:
- Detect the fetal heartbeat
- Estimate the due date
- Identify the number of fetuses
- Advise if immediate medical attention is needed, such as a referral to an emergency room
Limited ultrasounds do NOT:
- Determine the sex of the baby
- Diagnose fetal abnormalities
- Replace prenatal care
Ultrasounds Performed Confidentially for Those Who Qualify
Work confidently and confidentially with a registered medical professional who can provide honest, accurate information and answer your pregnancy questions.
Estimate gestational age
No insurance needed
Results confirmed by medical professionals

Trusted Local Help
We’re here to help you however works best for you. You can reach us by text, call, or in person at our facilities—your privacy is always protected.
Need Answers?
Text – (815) 912-0212
Call – (815) 842-2484