Am I Pregnant?

Your body has incredible ways of signaling early pregnancy. If you’ve recently had unprotected sex and missed a period, there’s a chance you might be noticing early signs of pregnancy. Need answers now? Text with a care expert for free at (815) 912-0212.
Early Pregnancy Signs & Symptoms
Every pregnancy is unique, but here are some common thoughts you might find yourself having.1
- Did I miss my period?
- Why do I feel so nauseous?
- My breasts feel sore.
- Why am I running to the bathroom so often?
- I feel completely exhausted.
- What’s with all these mood swings?
If you’re reading this, you’ve probably noticed some signs from your body that have you wondering, “Could I be pregnant?”
It’s worth noting that you might still be pregnant even if you believe you’ve had a period. Sometimes, what seems like a period could actually be “implantation bleeding,”2 which is light spotting that occurs as the embryo attaches to the uterine lining.
How to Find Out if You’re Pregnant
If you’re noticing any of these symptoms or recently had unprotected sex, know that we’ve supported many women with similar questions.
Pregnancy Test
The first step in confirming a pregnancy is taking a self-administered, lab-grade pregnancy test, which is typically over 99% accurate in detecting pregnancy-related hormone levels.
As a non-profit organization, we provide free and confidential pregnancy tests. Those who qualify may also be referred for a limited, non-diagnostic ultrasound at a follow-up appointment to confirm the gestational age of the pregnancy.
An ultrasound does more than confirm pregnancy; it also evaluates the viability of the fetus, ensuring the pregnancy is not ectopic and has not resulted in a miscarriage. Additionally, sonographers can measure the fetus to estimate the date of conception.
Online Pregnancy Help
If you need help confirming your pregnancy, getting a free test, or even a referral for a free limited, non-diagnostic ultrasound, Hope Center is here for you.
Simply send a text to (815) 912-0212 and get a care expert to answer your questions and walk you through your options.