The urine pregnancy test at HC will be self-administered by the client. The client performs and reads the test herself, with the manufacturer's written directions along with an HC Client Coach to assist with directions if necessary. The test is 99.8% accurate. HC will provide a client with the Statement of Self-Administered Pregnancy Test form, in which the client will circle the test result. If test result is positive, the client will want to follow up with her physician.
The test may be positive as early as 7-9 days after conception. It is important, but not required that you know the first day of your last period when you call to make your appointment.
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The information presented on this website is intended for general education purposes only and should not be relied upon as a substitute for professional and or medical advice.
Hours of Operation:
Monday & Thursday 10am - 6pm, and Tuesday 9:30am - 4pm